Do you know why pearls are so expensive?

Pearls have been a symbol of elegance and class for centuries. Pearls were worn by Maharajas of India and European queens as a symbol of their status. Celebrities walked the red…

Sinkholes; how do sinkholes form?

Imagine the ground beneath your feet or your house suddenly collapsing and forming a large hole in the ground. It’s a terrifying thought. Sinkholes are uncommon, but when they do…

Why do birds crash into glass windows?

Daytime and nighttime crashes are the two most common types of window collisions. Birds smash into windows in the daylight because they perceive greenery reflected in the glass or look…

The Atlantic and Pacific oceans never mixed?

When you look at the seas and oceans on the map you might think that they just flow into each other. well, you will be amazed at how realistic the borders…

Have you ever thought that parrots can talk like human!

According to study on monkeys vocal tract, the result shows that they have strikingly similar vocal structure to humans. But despite all these similarities, they can’t speak so here’s a…

Why do honeybees die after they sting?

You feel pain, itching and annoyance when bees stings. That’s because the bees jabs its barbed stinger into your skin and release some venom, which contains proteins that cause pain…