Busting Common Body Odor Myths: Understanding the Truth Behind Offensive Smells

Body odor is a natural part of life, but it can be embarrassing and socially isolating if not managed properly & explore some of the body odor myths & debunk.

Our body probably contains “forever chemicals” This is what it means.

You probably have something strange within your body right now. It was produced by a huge corporation and might be harmful to you. That thing is referred to as PFAS…

Why did we get hiccups?

Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, the muscle that connects your chest and abdomen and controls your breathing. Each contraction is followed by an abrupt closing of your vocal…

Why does hair turn gray?

Keratin, a colorless protein, is the main component of our hair. As a result, our hair is virtually white before it emerges from the skin. How is this even possible?…

Caffeine keeps us awake; the real science behind it?

Every year, around 100,000 metric tons of caffeine are consumed worldwide. This is the equal of 14 Eiffel Towers in weight. Caffeine is mostly found in coffee and tea, but…

How do painkillers relieve the pain?

For instance, you’re at the playground and you get sand in your eyes. How do you know the sand is there? You obviously can’t see it, but if you are…

Do you know; how pregnancy tests kit work?

The first known pregnancy test was created in ancient Egypt around 1350 BC. According to Egyptians, all you have to do is urinate on wheat and barley seeds and wait. If…