Why do cats have vertical pupils?

Peering into the eyes of different animals, you’ll see some extraordinarily shaped pupils. why? It turns out that the shape of an animal’s pupils is a good indicator of its…

“Quotes of the day to boost your mood”

Here are some quotes from the great personalities and going through these quotes can help you concentrate better and adopt smarter work strategies.

How do painkillers relieve the pain?

For instance, you’re at the playground and you get sand in your eyes. How do you know the sand is there? You obviously can’t see it, but if you are…

What is MSG, is it actually bad for you?

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer that is commonly used in restaurant dishes, canned vegetables, soups, deli meats, and other foods. MSG has been designated as a generally recognized…

Longest ever tennis match in history!

The longest tennis match took place at Wimbledon 2010 when John Isner of the US beat Nicolar Mahut of France in a match which lasted for 11 hours 5 minutes!…

Do you know; how pregnancy tests kit work?

The first known pregnancy test was created in ancient Egypt around 1350 BC. According to Egyptians, all you have to do is urinate on wheat and barley seeds and wait. If…

Did you know the science behind working mechanism of solar panels?

A earth intercept a lot of solar power (173 thousands terawatts). That’s ten thousand times more power than the planet’s populations uses. So, is it possible that one day the…

Breaking of glacier content at Antarctica regions!

After reaching the lowest extent ever measured in the satellite record in late February 2022. Sea ice around Antarctica began to rebuild. However, the transition from melting to freezing can…

“Male platypuses have venom-releasing spikes”

Male platypuses have venom-releasing spikes on their back foot, making them one of the few toxic animals. The spikes used as defend mechanism. The venom is strong enough to kill…

The Atlantic and Pacific oceans never mixed?

When you look at the seas and oceans on the map you might think that they just flow into each other. well, you will be amazed at how realistic the borders…